Download iOS 10.1 beta 2 to iPhone or iPad


Now a days everyone in the world wants to use the new technologies and new versions of them. Therefore iOS version has been upgrading time by time. One of the latest update is iOS 10.1 beta 2. It have the most advanced and best features and everyone is upgrading their iOS devices to get iOS 10.1 beta 2. It have the best and most advanced features, lets see how to upgrade and use all of these features.

Checking software update

In order to install the iOS 10.1 beta 2 you have to visit software update. You will have to go to Home screen and open settings from it. First of all you have to open general settings and check for updates in it. If any update appears, then select option of download/install option to get the updates.

Downloading/Installing updates

Once the update appears you have to select download/install option to get it.

Entering Passcode

After selecting installing option it will ask you for the passcode.

Accepting terms and conditions

When you will enter password then it will ask you to accept the terms and conditions to get access. When you accept terms and conditions it will again give you option to confirm again.

Rebooting process

After tapping confirm option the rebooting process will begin.

Loading of IOS 10 beta

When the rebooting process will complete the loading process of iOS 10.1 beta 2 will start loading in different bars steadily. You need to wait patiently because the loading process will take time.

New and Best features

Once loading in the bars is finished the user will be able to use the new and best features of iOS 10.1 beta 2.

Back to Home screen

You will be headed back to the home screen. All new features will be installed. Now enjoy this beta version of iOS 10.1 beta 2 and take full advantages of its features.

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